Of chickens

This story starts back in February. Should we order meat chickens this year? What about layer hens? One of ours is not doing so well. What about hybrid chickens?

I joined a local FB group for backyard chickens and saw someone had day olds available. Sweet. All different colour eggs too!

Back and forth a bit,and we owned 8 chicks–hoping for 4 layers out of the mix. At 9 weeks, the first rooster learned how to crow, and soon traveled to the freezer.

Waiting, waiting, how many girls?

One. My eighty dollar chicken.

She still isn’t besties with the other three, but they tolerate her. She is an Ameracauna, so lays blue eggs. (Two of the others lay white, the other one lays brown eggs.) She went broody, but as I write this we seem to have gotten her snapped out of that with a series of cool baths.

One comment

  1. Virginia · ·

    Hi Lisa,
    I enjoyed reading your article and loved the pictures. I have never seen blue eggs before except robin’s eggs.
