Another Quilt Along

Yes, I’m in again.  Sandra from mmmquilts put out the call for a Postcard from Sweden quilt along.  I dug through my  computer files to confirm I had a copy of the pattern, and got started.  I don’t know why I started at the bottom–I have these 6 rows down and the rest of the triangle squares made,  all from my stash of course,and using my Kona colour card to get close to the original.

Linking up for the 1/3 mark finish to mmmquilts.

Bottom 6 rows of Postcard from Sweden Quilt


  1. It is so pretty Lisa no matter which end you start with!! Thanks for sewing along and linking up!

    1. Thank you for running this. It’s keeping me on my toes!

      On Sun., Feb. 13, 2022, 2:48 p.m. Lisa in Port Hope, wrote:


  2. I love your version using prints!

    1. Thanks, i know it’s going to look great when it’s done

      On Sun., Feb. 13, 2022, 9:27 p.m. Lisa in Port Hope, wrote:
